Dessert and Wellness Workshop Series

Welcome to our Dessert and Wellness Workshops Series, where indulgence meets well-being. In this unique series, we invite you to experience the fusion of culinary and wellness arts. Each workshop focuses on a single herb or flower, expertly incorporated into mouthwatering desserts and wellness products. Discover the flavors, colors, and therapeutic properties of nature's gifts. Alongside crafting desserts, you'll create your own wellness products like shampoo, soap, and roll-ons, all infused with natural goodness. Join us in exploring culinary creativity and holistic wellness as we unlock the secrets of herbs, flowers, and essential oils. Explore our upcoming workshops and embark on this delightful and rejuvenating journey with us.

The workshops below are available small classes of 2-4 persons upon request. Default price: ranges from $88 to $120 per person (Materials/Ingredients included). Default location: Scarborough (Warden and Finch). Please email and book at least 2 weeks in advance.

If you'd like any workshops to be hosted in a corporate setting (a proper kitchen is needed), please contact us. For scheduling and more information, please email

For information about currently running classes, please visit our website here.

Jasmine: Dessert and Wellness Workshop | SilianCakery
Lavender: Dessert and Wellness Workshop | SilianCakery
Lavender 1: Dessert and Wellness Workshop | SilianCakery